My IPN journey provides the framework for our colleague performance and career management
At IPN, we want to inspire colleagues to join, stay, develop, and achieve to create a safe, inclusive, and sustainable business, fit for growth. One of the enablers to achieve this is to ensure we are all clear on how our personal contribution fits in with our IPN strategy. In our colleague engagement survey, you told us that we could do more on how we encourage colleague’s development, talk to colleagues about progress and give opportunities to learn and grow.
Our Career Map provides the foundation for our job architecture
Our career bands are the way we categories roles into levels. These levels help us to ensure our compensation and benefits are competitive, our hierarchy is representative of role responsibility and career path options are visible and transparent to colleagues who want to progress their careers with IPN.
Our Role Profiles describe the role accountabilities and the behaviour levels required in each of our positions in our Career Map
We use Role Profiles to outline the accountabilities of each role. These should be supplemented by performance objectives as part of our My IPN Journey framework.
Our Organisational Structure outlines how our roles sit together to create our combined organisation
We organise ourselves functionally, but matrix line management but does exist in our manufacturing facilities.